It even makes Cobblestone look good! Is this usable with the FTB Launcher app, and if so, how? January 31, at 1: June 15, at March 22, at 9: textura faithful minecraft 1.5.2

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minecraft texture pack faithful 32x32

February 27, at 2: July 3, at November 16, faithfu 4: April 5, at 2: RampantPanda65Nov 4, July 12, at 9: September 4, at 3: Even glass looks good with scratches! October 18, at 7: Faithful Texture Pack 1.

April 26, at 4: October 20, at 4: November 21, at May 21, at 1: August 23, at June 4, at Log in or Sign up.

ChiTown03Nov 3, August 17, at 7: Awesome texture pack, really works. Guides Installing Minecraft Resource Packs. You must log in or sign up to reply here.

August 5, at 1: Already used it for another modpack, nice overall, however, there are some missing textures, needs to be improved.

Wouldn't mind trying it when the x Sphax pack gets laggy You may post it if you want but like i said Vattic has plans for an official version. May 28, at 2: I've got a temp version with almsot all mod textures 32x32 faithful ready, ill post it asap.

It even makes Cobblestone look good! This texture pack is the best i was trying to install it for 1 year!!!!!!!!

textura faithful minecraft 1.5.2

Discussion in ' Texture packs ' started by ChiTown03Nov 3, I absolutely LOVE this texture pack and whoever did this is the best person ever other than my family members.

October texturx, at 8: May 2, at 4: ChiTown03Nov 4, August 6, at 9:

textura faithful minecraft 1.5.2


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