Examination of biological properties of water. Biogeographical differences in a common soil ciliate, Gonostomum affine Stein , as revealed by morphological and RAPD-fingerprint analysis. More information 33 Schaber P. Morphology and biometry of some soil hypotrichs Protozoa: High mitochondrial haplotype diversity of Coleps sp. Morphological characterization of two nomen nudum hypotrichs Protozoa, Ciliophora: Reconciling morphological and 18SrRNA phylogenies in the stichotrichines Ciliophora, Spirotrichea , including new sequences from some rare species. din 38410

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More information 17 Berger H. Illustrated guide and ecological notes to ciliate indicator species Protozoa, Ciliophora in running waters, lakes, and sewage plants. Three- gene based phylogeny of the Urostyloidea 384410, Ciliophora, Hypotrichawith notes on classification of some core taxa. Monograph of the family Euplotidae Ehrenberg, Ciliophora, Spirotrichea.

Cyrtophorida, Oligotrichida, Hypotrichia, Colpodea. Monograph of 38140 Keronopsidae and supplements to the Urostyloidea and Oxytrichidae Ciliophora, Hypotricha. Austria, Ciliophora, fertilizer, morphogenesis, mountain, Nematoda, Rotifera, Salzburg, ski run, soil biology, soil compaction, taxonomy, Testacea Berger H.

New and poorly known soil ciliates from Namibia, Southwest Africa. Ciliophora diversity in natural forest stands of Central Europe.

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Subscribe on standards with our subscription service. Sustainable Development Goals and standardisation, how do they connect? PDF available see more information More information urn: At my website all papers are protected by a username and a password. More information 18 Berger H. Redefinition and reassignment of the cirri genera Hemigastrostyla 34810, OxytrichaUrosomoidaand Actinotricha Ciliophora, Hypotrichaand description of one new genus and two new species.

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Morphology and biometry of some soil hypotrichs Protozoa: Monograph of the Hypotricha and Nomenclator Ciliophorum, two useful works for all who deal with ciliates. Cladistic relationships and generic characterization of oxytrichid hypotrichs Protozoa, Ciliophora.

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Morphology and biometry of some soil hypotrichs Protozoa, Ciliophora sin Europe and Japan. Read more about SIS Subscriptions. Monograph of the Uroleptidae and the Rigidotrichidae Ciliophora, Hypotricha. Nomenclator Ciliophorum and Monograph of the Hypotricha, two works documenting the biodiversity of ciliates Ciliophora - 2nd BioSyst.

Biogeographical differences in a common soil ciliate, Gonostomum affine Steinas revealed by morphological and RAPD-fingerprint analysis. A user-friendly guide to the ciliates Protozoa, Ciliophora commonly used by hydrobiologists as bioindicators in rivers, lakes, and waste waters, with notes on their ecology.

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The ciliate atlas - Morphology and ecology of the ciliated protozoa used as vin of water quality. Monograph of the Amphisiellidae and Trachelostylidae Ciliophora, Hypotricha. Six mainly little-known Cyrtohymena species Ciliophora, Hypotricha: Catalogue of the names of hypotrichous ciliates. When you use our service you can be assured the latest editions and easy access. Revision of Lamtostyla Buitkamp, and description of Territricha nov. More information 20 Foissner W.

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Ciliophora, Hypotricha from acid mining lakes. Reconciling morphological and 18SrRNA phylogenies in the stichotrichines Ciliophora, Spirotricheaincluding new sequences from some rare species. Guidlines for the ecological study and assessment of rivers - Ciliates Protozoa. The Wilhelm Foissner Festschrift.

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